Creamy miso udon is an easy and simple meal filled with creaminess and umami flavors. Creamy miso udon is vegan and dairy-free recipe that is great comforting food for everyone. Miso paste, a key ingredient in this dish, is a traditional Japanese condiment made of fermented soybeans. As a fermented food, miso paste is rich in probiotics that support gut health in our body by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria. Probiotics may support immune function in our body fighting against infections and improve digestion. Moreover, miso contains many essential nutrients including vitamins and minerals. Another main ingredient, mushrooms can also provide several health benefits. Mushrooms are low in sodium, that may reduce blood pressure by lowering sodium intake. They are also rich in nutrients like vitamin B, vitamin D, potassium, and copper. Vitamin D in mushrooms can contribute to maintaining adequate vitamin D levels, supporting the immune system, bone health, and muscle strengths in our body. To make a balanced and satiating meal, I would recommend adding some extra ingredients in this dish. For example, green veggies like broccoli contain many antioxidants that can help lower LDL cholesterol levels. By supporting the health of blood vessels and reducing inflammation, it may further reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Beside boiled egg, a great source of protein with vitamin B, feel free to add your choice of other plant-based proteins such as tofu and edamame!
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Recipe reviewed by Annie Tsang, RD
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